Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Day 32 - Woodwork

Marcus and Simon spent today finishing off the skirting boards and making the cupboards in the study area and other bits and pieces, most notable of which were the handrail and spindles for the upper part of the new staircase. That part is still not finished though as more decorative bits of wood need to be added. We are now at the point where all the woodwork to be done is fiddly and time-consuming, especially all the fire doors that need to be fitted throughout the house.
We also had a visit from the plumber who has been away in New Zealand for a few weeks. As a result of this, he can't get to us till next Monday to fit our bathroom and the radiators in the study and bedroom. But for the radiators and the bedroom door, the loft area is no longer a loft but a study and bedroom ready for decorating.

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